Ari Miller draws upon the cuisines of Tel Aviv and his Eastern European heritage and specializes in open fire cooking. He was the chef/owner of Musi, a critically acclaimed BYO in Philadelphia, PA, where he specialized in zero-waste, non-industrial sourcing while addressing how a restaurant can best serve its employees, guests, and community in an approach he called “Relationship Cuisine”. He is the originator of the FrizWit, the only non-industrial cheesesteak with a cult following (not to mention ShroomWit and Pork & Greens). He has been featured in Food & Wine, Haaretz, Blazer Magazine, and Time Out Tel Aviv. Prior to cooking, Ari was the Arts & Entertainment editor at The Jerusalem Post.

Ari is a chef and writer who has worked and lived in Tel Aviv, Philadelphia, and NYC.

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Let’s talk about spring and the favorite things it’s bringing with, from foraged goodies to what’s best at your farmer’s market. What’s on your cooking to do list? What ingredient has you all excited right now and which one has you most anxious to try?

This is just a casual “office hour” to share excitement and knowledge about what’s happening in my kitchen and yours.

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